Hi Kutipoy, Here is what I am doing with Moodle Pi, 50+ Wifi clients --> Access Point --> RPI ethernet Port.
Running dnsmasq DHCP and DNS on the RPI so the AP does not need to handle ip resolution. AP only for Wifi Secure Login using WPA2 Personal.
If I were to use a switch it would be to provie Internet Access and/or Net Drive file parsing to the Wifi Clients.
RPI is running Moodle but, using Joomla CMS as Portal Login Page before wifi clients can get to moodle. This provides a world of options "Joomla". Ultimately, when this Joomla portal login page is 100% locked down, I will make AP open connect and have it route to Portal Login Page (Just a joomla website page).
Using Apache2 webserver and not Nginx. Apache2 is slower but, much easier for me to configure. Each new local virtual domain only needs 2 lines of code in file /etc/hosts and 4 lines in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.
Is this configuration something that would work for you ?