Has anybody made a MB 4.8.0 with the dd command? I made one. Access point and Moodle work beautifully. I have the feeling that Moodle 4.5 LTS is as responsive as the 4.1 LTS, which I am still using.
The problem I have is no SSH log in. A port scan shows nothing on port 22. Does the image not start SSH daemon by default? I know RPi imager asks for those things in its GUI. What is the equivalent in dd? Is the old trick, touch /boot/ssh before inserting the solution? Note that I work purely headless - hopefully not literally ;-).
Edit: After a touch /boot/ssh I see a service on port 22 and it even sends me a log in prompt. But the usual password Moodlebox4$ for user moodlebox returns permission denied.
Edit 2: Changed the shell password through the web interface! Matter solved.