ralfkrause Using the MoodleBox offline you can't generate qr codes with plugins using online generator tools like https://developers.google.com/chart/infographics/docs/qr_codes?hl=en . For those plugins the MoodleBox needs an online connection while the user opens the webpage with a generated qr code. For using the MoodleBox offline with qr codes you should install the Moodle plugin https://moodle.org/plugins/filter_filtercodes . With this plugin you can write some filtercode to get the qr code. The filtercodes plugin is programmed with a nice php library which generates the qr codes inside the MoodleBox.
Jiya It's great to see that there is a solution available for generating QR codes while using the MoodleBox offline. Is this new update?
ralfkrause Jiya No, it's not new but I just found the blog post https://www.elearningworld.org/boosting-e-learning-with-qr-codes-in-moodle-lms/ kast week. I am currently preparing a teacher's workshop for Moodle with qr codes. It's very nice to use the offline MoodleBox with FilterCodes.
Nicolas ralfkrause It's very nice to use the offline MoodleBox with FilterCodes. Agreed. FilterCodes is a very useful and powerful plugin.