Hi - This post is just to add some context and information from a conversation Dan and I had,
that he and will be following up with, and we'll post any progress here.
One challenge is how to support a person in a remote area, who isn't a linux system admin in debugging these types of issues. Dan and I are going to try to come up with some method where a remote
person, who might use their phone as a hot spot, and two users doing something like zoom, where one person who might have more linux admin skills to remotely guide the other through a ssh session to diagnose the issue.
I know that backing up a Moodle System, really should be in the Moodle.org area, but it seems to me,
that having some method for a remote user, to run a script that might backup both the db and files,
and put that in a zip file, once a week or 4 weeks, or something like that, so if there is corruption,
they might be able to get back to a certain state.
Also, guiding this person to use a new SD card for the new Moodle Install, to try to preserve any courses that were created. I know the RPIclone is a tool that could be used.
Steve M.