Hi Dan, thank you very much for your detailed answer.
To get the content of my very interesting workshop for teachers and principals and all details you can take the following urls and take them for the Google translator.
At the beginning of the workshop I told about digital content and digital classwork for a school expedition. For the challenge the should install the apps OsmAnd and BLE Scanner on their mobile devices. Then the teachers should switch off their mobile data. It should be a realistic setting for a school expedition in the wilderness.
We got two groups of teachers and they should find the MoodleBoxes using OsmAnd with OpenStreetMap. The teachers got the gps coordinates for both MoodleBoxes and they should find them in the terrain round our hotel.
At the targets they got the MoodleBox wifi and they could connect. But they also needed the correct url for their challenges. Therefore I wanted to provide the url in an unusual and surprising way ... yes, I could use a qr code for this but I did it with a bluetooth iBeacon. I chose the bluetooth iBeacon because the signal could not taken away as you can take away a sheet of paper with a qr code.
For me, the Bluetooth signal was also a way to check who had followed the work instructions at the beginning of the game. Teachers who didn't pay attention to this had to type the URL from another smartphone in order to access the course on the Moodlebox.
It was a very stimulating workshop for the teachers ant principals. During the game they learned to find the right place in the terrain using gps coordinates. In order to get the tasks, they had to connect to the wifi and find out the correct URL via the iBeacon. They had to login with their user accounts. They had to solve a brain teaser and write a post on a forum.
For the documentation, the organizer had invited an open television channel who created the film. Everyone was enthusiastic about the result ... the organizers, the teachers and school management, and also among myself. :-)
The basic goal of my workshops is always to get to know the MoodleBox as an autonomous product for open teaching. And that's why the MoodleBox must be called MoodleBox in my workshops. One participant spontaneously exclaimed during a workshop: "My head is popping. There are so many ideas that suddenly become possible with the MoodleBox ..."